Your Trusted Source for Wise Counsel
Our Wise Counsel is approachable and common sense. It’s wide and deep, constantly learning and evolving – it never assumes that the same approach will solve similar problems. Wise Counsel comes from the collective education, experience, wisdom, and spirit of Team Savant. It stands ready to serve, adapt and inspire — bringing our craft to ever expanding levels of greatness.
Our Roots
Savant Wealth Management was founded in 1986 as a small financial planning firm in the heart of Rockford, Ill. When Savant expanded to wealth management six years later, the independent registered investment advisor movement was in its infancy. In a closed, club-like industry where you needed connections or paid high fees to access basic financial advice, Savant Wealth Management was a fresh alternative that put investors and their best interests first. We acted on the premise that investors deserve truly independent financial and planning advice, unbiased by conflicts of interest.
Fast forward to today. More than 30 years at the forefront of the industry, Savant Wealth Management continues to remain steadfast in our beliefs and sits on the same side of the table as the clients we are privileged to serve.
Vision and Purpose
Our Vision – We build ideal futures for our clients, our team, and the communities we serve.
Our Mission – To empower individuals, families, and institutions to achieve their life and financial goals by serving as their most trusted advisor – and helping them gain clarity, confidence, simplicity, and peace of mind.
Servant Leadership
As your trusted advisor, the essence of Savant Wealth’s approach is to serve by acting in your best interest. Working with our clients to get them closer to realizing their goals isn’t just our profession, it’s our mission and calling. In our day-to-day work, we’re continuously looking out for you—no other way makes sense. Servant leadership means that we’re passionate about using our expertise to help you move further along the path toward achieving great things.